Yesterday, Washington debuted the Madden 22 coins new name of their football franchise The Commanders. The name change has been updated to reflect the latest branding, which includes a brand new logo along with uniforms, word marks and word marks.
We were pretty confident that this brand new design would make its way into Madden 23, but we called EA for confirmation. Below is the information an EA Sports representative told us:
It is expected that the Washington Football Team will be updated with the new Washington Commander nickname, uniforms as well as the logo Madden NFL 23.
This implies that EA probably Madden 22 coins for sale won't bother updating their Washington Football Team to the current look in Madden 22. So we'll be waiting until the next game, which is likely to be to be in the month of August for the brand new look Washington team. Washington was involved in the two previous seasons in an 18-month long process of collaboration in which alumni, fans players and community leaders across the region to develop the new name.