Great departure Following Google's lead with Tensor Flow, Facebook launched its own open AI platform FAIR, followed by Baidu. What does all this mean? The disruption of visual information is on the move. We are in a unique era where machines can see and think. It's the next wave of computing. Deep Learning Optimized Video SEO is on its way to being what HTML keywords are. Visual search creates opportunities and reduces technology costs to propel innovation. Video discovery is not tied to the content of a video description (meta layer).
Use cases around deep learning include processing medical images on autonomous drones, and that's just the beginning. Deep hair masking service learning will have a profound impact on our daily lives in ways we never imagined. Advertising Continue reading below Instagram and Snapchat both use facial recognition-based sticker overlays, and Google Photo sorts your photos better than any app. Now, we're seeing object recognition purchases at Houzz, leveraging deep learning-powered product identification. The future is bright for deep learning and content creation.
Very soon we will see artificial intelligence producing and editing videos. You may have noticed that I write a lot about SEO pricing and how clients can better understand the value (and expectations) of any web marketing campaign they engage in. and their customers. And as GI Joe says, “knowledge is half the battle!” In my nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, I've found that customer happiness often comes down to one thing: expectations. Too often, customers have one set of expectations and SEOs have another. This can lead to complications down the road.